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AC Maintenance

Posted by on Jun 19, 2013 in News | 1 comment

AC Maintenance

Now that the summer heat is here, it is a good time to discuss the maintenance of your AC system. Each condo has their own system and the maintenance is important to keep things cool and running efficiently. 1) Keep the temperature set at a moderate setting between 73 and 76, adjust as needed. Keep in mind, the temperature you set your AC at is not a control for the temperature of the air coming in. Setting the thermostat to a low temperature only means your system will run longer and harder to get to the set temperature. In most cases, your AC system can only lower or maintain a temperature that is approximately 20 degrees lower that the outside temperature. If the outside temperature is 95 then most systems will work well when the thermostat is set around 75, setting the thermostat much lower than 75 will cause the system to run constantly. 2) Change the air filter every 30 -45 days in the summer time. With summer you get more particulates in the air, pets shed, and in general we are more active. All this will mean extra work for your filter and a dirty filter is the main cause of many AC problems. Changing the filter often can also help with seasonal allergies as the filter will help remove pollen and other allergy causing particulates from the air being circulated by your AC system. 3) Condensation! Every AC unit produces condensation by removing humidity from the air as it is cooling it, this condensation will collect in a pan at the bottom of your AC system and eventually drain out through a drain line. This water unfortunately is also subject to algae growth if it is allowed to sit in the condensate lines or pans for too long. This algae growth can clog the drain lines and backflow into your home. Having your AC system serviced on a regular basis can help address and possibly prevent this from happening. There are tablets and strips you can purchase at just about any home improvement store that you can put in your condensate pan to treat the water and help prevent the algae. If you have not had your AC system serviced recently, now is a good time to call and schedule this. Generally the AC company will inspect the system, clean your coils, check your refrigerant levels and clear your condensate drain...

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Publix Gate

Posted by on Jun 17, 2013 in News | 0 comments

Publix Gate

The Publix Gate is down and we are waiting on parts to be delivered. We anticipate having this back-up and working by 6/18. The contractor working on the repair has been out several times, unfortunately we are having issues with mechanical systems and the control board, both require parts to be ordered. The contractor was out again on Monday and the last part that is needed should be in late on 6/17 or early 6/18 and then the repairs can be...

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Hurricane Season

Posted by on May 30, 2013 in News | 0 comments

June 1st will mark the start of the 2013 hurricane season here are some useful tips to help prepare you in the event we have to deal with a hurricane. Make sure you have working flash lights and plenty of batteries. Make sure you maintain a two week supply of medication at a minimum. Make sure you home and auto insurance is current and that you have the appropriate coverage. Glow sticks are another source of safe lighting, perfect for bathrooms and other small rooms. Bag some ice and keep it in the freezer, small zip-lock bags work good. Canned food is good in the event of power loss, but only if you have a manual can opener. Plan to keep at least a 1/2 tank of gas in your car at all times. As a storm approaches you can expect a gas shortage or long lines. Make sure you have a working cell phone charger for your car. Avoid using candles when the power goes out, battery powered lanterns and other similar devices are much safer. What to expect: Bridges will close when winds reach a sustained 35mph. You will loose electric service, for how long is the question. Flooding in low lying areas and roadways Fallen trees Wind driven rain Keep checking in and we will continue to post tips and notices regarding hurricanes. Now is a good time to look around your condo and make a list of things you will...

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